

The Notary Firm NSM - Nardello Stefani Marcoz has its premises in Turin, Corso Duca degli Abruzzi 18 and local branch in Carignano and Nichelino.

The three Notary Firm offers provides availability for deeds and advice, focused to preliminary contracting, drafting and finalising, succession (will and intestacy) planning and Corporate Law, encompassing Stock listed companies.

The Firm currently employs 19 collaborators who deal with the real estate, corporate, real estate charge enforcements, succession, online auctions and compliance departments, all of them highly qualified and with a consolidated experience and specialization, always under the constant direct and personal guidance of the notaries.

For further informations:


Firm Montrucchio Capello

The first and only firm dedicated to the management of succession (will and intestacy) accomplishments and inheritance consultancy.
The Montrucchio Capello Firm, specialized in inheritance succession, has been established thanks to the skills of the two founders, Mr Davide Montrucchio and the Tax expert Mrs Maurizia Capello.
The Firm is skilled in managing Succession accomplishments.
Professional efficiency and expertise are offered to its clients, throughout the regulatory process governing the generational shift.

Areas of practice:

• Drafting of Succession – Inheritance Statement
• Release banking assets
• Waiving of the Heritage
• Cadastral assignments
• Cadastral surveys
• Heirs’ research
• Succession Tax Calculation
• Bank Safety Cash Box Opening Prcedure
• Retirement income reversibility and recovery of pending and to be liquidated salary benefits provided by the law
• Relevant applications
• Minors’ succession Rules and Guidance

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